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Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills: Your Must-See Guide

Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills: Your Must-See Guide

Jessica Frye
Jessica Frye

Updated on July 17, 2024

If you’re a Pretty Woman who is Clueless about Beverly Hills, this is the guide for you! Okay, men are invited too but I don’t have a movie title linked to the famous Rodeo Drive for you.

Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills

Rode Drive in Beverly Hills

Rodeo Drive, home to some of the most high-end shopping in the world, lavish hotels, celebrity sightings, palm trees and fashion, fashion, fashion! If you want to experience the lifestyle of the rich and famous, Rodeo Drive is the place to be.

What do we know about this iconic street? Why are so many people drawn to it, including celebrities, the elite and powerful, and just us normal folks? We all want a piece of it. Let’s take a closer look and study the appeal. You will be ready to book your flight to Beverly Hills, right away! Or, you know, just travel down the highway if you’re already in Los Angeles.

Here we go!

Where is Rodeo Drive?

You’re probably wondering, “How do I get to Rodeo Drive?” Rodeo Drive is a two-mile strip of road with that runs between Sunset Boulevard at its north end and Beverwil Drive at its south end. The part you’re probably looking for is the infamous three-block stretch of the Drive that runs between Santa Monica Boulevard and Wilshire Boulevard.

Where is Rodeo Drive?

This three-block area is the iconic part of the Drive shopping area. This is one of the most iconic streets in Beverly Hills and is a huge tourist attraction for the high possibilities of spotting celebrities, outrageous cars and being able to basically spy on the rich and famous.

It’s not hard to get there, you just have to be in the know. If you are coming from one of the other tourist attractions in Los Angeles, you are pretty much always a half an hour away or less – unless you’re in Disneyland.

So, how far is Rodeo Drive from Hollywood Blvd.? From the famous Boulevard to the famous Drive, you’re looking at 28 min (5.5 mi) via Santa Monica Blvd.

And what about Universal Studios? That’s a great attraction. How far is Rodeo Drive from Universal Studios? You can do the Studios to Rodeo shops in 32 min (8.1 mi) via Sunset Blvd.

Are you in Santa Monica, taking in that gorgeous beaches? Then, how far is Rodeo Drive from Santa Monica? From the Santa Monica coast to Rodeo Drive shopping, you’ll be in the car around 24 min (8.7 mi) and get there via I-10 E and Wilshire Blvd.

If you’re looking at stars’ names on Hollywood Blvd, you might want to know; how far is Rodeo Drive from Hollywood Walk of Fame? From Grauman’s Chines Theatre to the best Drive in Beverly Hills, it’s only 29 min (5.6 mi) via Fountain Ave and Santa Monica Blvd.

Maybe you want to come straight to the Rodeo shops from the airport. In that case, how far is Rodeo Drive from LAX? From the luggage carousel to the fabulous Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills, you won’t have to wait too long with a driving time of 36 min (13.5 mi) via I-405 N. Tell your airport driver to step on it!

Are you in Disneyland? What are you doing there? Rodeo Drive and Beverly Hills are calling. These sure aren’t Mickey Mouse attractions. How far is Rodeo Drive from Disneyland? You better leave soon, it’s the longest drive at 1 hour 14 min (37.7 mi) via I-5 N and I-10 W.

Where is Rodeo Drive?
American Express’ iconic 1995 Map Rendering of Rodeo Drive

What to do on Rodeo Drive?

Dahling, I think you know the first thing I’m going to say. Shopping, shopping, and more shopping. Maybe get something to eat and a spa treatment at one of the posh hotels. And then? More shopping!

What shops are on Rodeo Drive? There are more than one hundred stores on Rodeo Drive. Some of the more notable ones – the ones you really want to know about – are Gucci, Prada, Cartier, Louis Vuitton, Chanel, Jimmy Choo, Tiffany’s, Valentino, and Bijan – sometimes referred to as the most expensive store in the world.

Where is Rodeo Drive?

How expensive is Rodeo Drive? Well, we did just tell you that the most expensive store in the world resides there. But it really all depends on what kind of shopping you want to do. Window shopping is free! If you actually want to purchase something, then yes, you will want to have a wad of cash or a big limit on your credit card. If you have the dough, it is worth it to tell people you got something on Rodeo Drive. You’re practically a star now!

Another great attraction is the unique and very, very expensive cars that wealthy people drive to their day of shopping paradise. You will find one-of-a-kind recognizable vehicle brands:  Porche, Maserati, Rolls Royce, among many other luxury cars. They will be souped-up and have the works, some of them with touches that you would never even dream of. You don’t even have to be into cars to be wowed, they are that incredible.

What to do on Rodeo Drive?
The famous Bijan yellow cars parked on Rodeo Drive.

While you’re there, make sure to check out the Rodeo Drive Walk of Style. Some of the most celebrated and high-end designers are acclaimed forever by having a plaque with their name embedded into the sidewalk. It’s a fashionable version of the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Look for the statue of a torso as it is the marker for this attraction.

How late are Rodeo Drive stores open? Most stores are open from 10 am to 6 pm, though it never hurts to call ahead or check out the regular hours listed on the Rodeo Drive, Beverly Hills website. The Drive itself lists itself open until 7 pm.

What to Wear on Rodeo Drive?

Dress for confidence! There is no dress code on the Drive, however, there is judgment. It’s up to you on how thick or thin your skin is. Any shopping you do in any store on Rodeo is going to be amongst the rich and sometimes famous.

The people working these shops are used to big spenders and powerful players in Hollywood and other industries. They get spoiled and if you want their attention while shopping, you will want to wear your best.

What to Wear on Rodeo Drive?

Let’s not forget what we learned from Pretty Woman. Vivian was humiliated when she wore her street clothes – we’ll be nice on that one – and that is not a huge exaggeration of what could happen in some of the stores there. Vivian had a happy and very satisfying ending to her Rodeo Drive shopping experience but keep in mind, the sales associates know that it is a very rare occurrence that one is being sent on a shopping spree by Richard Gere.

Does that mean you have to wear Chanel or Prada? Not necessarily. Do your best to look put together and wear what makes you feel most confident. The customer service on Rodeo Drive is filled with sharks who can smell low confidence or intimidation like blood in the water.

What to Wear on Rodeo Drive?

The more confident you make yourself feel, the more they will sense somebody they consider worthy of their time. It’s a different world over there. Because of the high prices, these people make huge commissions and that’s what they continue to chase.

Which Celebrities Live on Rodeo Drive?

There is a residential part on either side of the shopping section of Rodeo Drive. Beautiful Spanish style houses from bungalows to mansions sit along the street watching the tourists trying to get a slice of what Hollywood portrays as the life of a celebrity.

So, who lives on Rodeo Drive? There aren’t as many celebrities as you would think who actually live on the Drive. Gene Kelly had a home on Rodeo Drive and Carl Reiner still does but you won’t see much more than that on a celebrity homes tour.

Which celebrities live on Rodeo Drive?
Carl Reiner’s home on Rodeo Drive in the 1950’s. He lives in the same home to this day.

Celebrities who choose Beverly Hills to hang their hat mainly buy property in the surrounding neighborhoods. They are still close and often visit the three blocks of heavenly, high-end shopping but they go back to homes on surrounding roads like Bedford Drive or Benedict Canyon Drive.

The real draw is the glamor, glitz and exclusive air that Rodeo Drive has to it. You come for the celebrity sightings or to get a taste of what it feels like to be among the rich and famous but you stay for the awe and bewitching prestige of the best shopping and dining nirvana in the world.

Which celebrities live on Rodeo Drive?
A typical day in Beverly Hills…
Things to do in LA
Jessica Frye
Written by

Jessica Frye

Jessica loves two things most in this world; celebrities and her dog. She can be seen walking along Venice Beach with her yellow lab mix in tow, staring off into the sky hoping that looking uninterested and deep will get her discovered. She may or may not have followed Justin Timberlake's every move back in the day but now she is content to write out her obsession for Velvet Ropes along with ghost writing novels about celebrity romance. Jessica recently decided to bring her passions to Twitter. When she's not busy writing and making plans for her celebrity life after being discovered, you can find her there.