If you haven’t heard of Jake Paul then it’s safe to say that you are most likely a totally normal human being. The truth of the matter is that if you haven’t spent a great deal of your life browsing Vine videos, YouTube channels or watching Disney’s Bizaardvark, then chances are you probably have no idea who he is. But that doesn’t mean that he’s not out there totally killin’ it, and Jake Paul house photos are proof.

YouTuber Jake Paul rose to fame with his brother Logan through his popular Vine videos and then leveraged this audience to build a massive YouTube following once the platform shut down. So, if you’re interested in getting the scoop on the life this social media sensation-turned-entrepreneur then look no further than these next few lines because we’re here to answer all of your top burning questions on Mr. Jake Paul himself.
Where does Jake Paul live new house?
As of 2019, Jake Paul currently lives in an unbelievably massive home in the much sought after area of Calabasas, California, which is perhaps most notably known for being home to the Kardashians among other celebrities.
Jake Paul House (Current)
This kid’s home is dope. There’s literally no other way to put it. It sits on 3.5 acres and covers a whopping 15,000 square feet. I know what you’re thinking. How much did Jake Paul house cost? Well, according to our online sources, the luxurious home set the social media sensation back a cool $6.9 million.
Jake Paul House Inside
The inside of this place is literally fit for royalty. It’s insane. The massive foyer includes a three-story spiral staircase and all of the rooms are huge including the various common areas and formal dining room. The home has 8 bedrooms in total as well as a master bedroom that comes with a beautiful shower and aromatherapy feature. The walk-in closets are pretty much the most amazing things I’ve ever seen and are larger than 90% of New York City’s population’s apartments. It also includes a home theater, an expansive kitchen with four ovens, a temperature-controlled wine closet, an office and a backyard pool area that looks like a desert oasis.

Check out more photos of Jake Paul House Calabasas here!
Jake Paul’s House Fire
In late 2018 when fires were raging through the Malibu/Calabasas area, Jake Paul was one of the unfortunate souls who ended up being subjected to the tragic event. Thankfully, he was more fortunate than many. The YouTube star had to evacuate his sprawling Team 10 mansion and take shelter at his brother Logan’s home, but there was no serious damage to his place!
Jake Paul Old House
Paul also had a pretty impressive pad a few years back. The 4,023-square-foot, 5 bedroom, 6 bathroom home was located in the West Hollywood area of Los Angeles. According to real estate reports, he rented this house for roughly $16k/month.
If you’re looking for Jake Paul house address in West Hollywood all you have to do is head over here to check it out on Velvet Ropes!

Jake Paul Net Worth
So how much does Jake Paul earn? According to one of our favorite sources on celebrity net worths, the 21-year-old is rumored to be worth an estimated $19 million.
Is Team 10 still a thing?
As of late 2018, Team 10 was still up and running, however not without any problems. The social media incubator and management company was created by Paul in 2016 with six other individuals and had some serious potential. The infamous Gary Vaynerchuk was rumored to have invested in the project and in January 2017 the company raised a whopping $1 million. They’ve also partnered with several companies such as Coca Cola, H&M and Burger King.
However, there has been a significant amount of turnover in the ranks and a lot of rumored division. This all came to a head in late 2017 when two of their biggest on-screen talents including co-founder and chief operating officer Nick Crompton and the Paul’s hometown friend Chance Sutton left the business just before a scheduled tour.
The rift was due to some behind-the-scenes changes, most notably, a provision in the Team 10 contract which gave Jake Paul rights to future earnings of ex-members on YouTube. The Paul’s father, who has been referred to as an “abrasive character” had begun running the business and made some significant changes which resulted in the layoffs of 13 members among other incidents.
However, according to recent reports, the business is still up and running.

What’s the deal with Jake Paul and Logan Paul?
Jake Paul and Logan Paul have definitely had their fair share of drama and are by no means angels by anyone’s definition. For one, it’s no secret that they tend to feud with their neighbors quite often due to their crazy antics and the two have often received backlash from the public due to the same.
Then, there was the time Jake broke the windshield of his Ferrari for a video and filed a false insurance claim. There was the lawsuit for wrecking his mansion in which he ended up having to pay $2.5 million. Most recently the two had to combat news reports and a police investigation over women being allegedly drugged at a birthday party held at Jake’s house for rapper Desiigner.
However, even though the brothers have stayed close through thick and thin all of these years they’ve still had their moments that left people wondering whether or not they were ever going to talk again. Perhaps the biggest feud that took place was in 2017 and involved a girl named Alissa.
Alissa and Jake had been friends for a while and lived together with several others at the time. Apparently, there was an unrequited love situation going on where the girl had a thing for Jake but Jake was essentially playing the field. Allegedly one evening she ended up bringing a guy home which sparked some jealousy in Jake and led him to throw her out.
After this incident, Jake’s brother Paul decided to create a video making fun of his little brother’s music video which led to Jake making a diss track about Logan.
Sidenote: Yes – he’s a rapper too #lesigh ::rolls eyes::
Anyways, so since Jake made a diss song, Logan decided to make one too except he took it one step further and decided to include Alissa at the end of it.
The internet pretty much went cray for a bit and then the two eventually made up. This pretty much sums up anything remotely worth talking about.