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Maha bint Mishari Al Saud

0 years old

Born in Saudi Arabia

Net Worth 500M

Maha bint Mishari Al Saud is an academic at Alfaisal University’s College of Medicine and a physician at King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre. She is a member of the Saudi royal family. Princess Maha is the daughter of Mishari bint Abdulaziz, one of the children of King Abdulaziz. Her mother is a Syrian woman from Aleppo, whose father was a physician.[2] Princess Maha was born in Beirut.[2] Princess Maha got her early education in Lebanon and in Riyadh.[2] She holds a bachelor’...Read more

The Homes of Maha bint Mishari Al Saud

    Maha bint Mishari Al Saud home in Beverly Hills, CA
    Address Requires Premium Membership

    Beverly Hills, CA

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