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Mila Kunis

Address Requires Premium Membership

Carpinteria, CA

6 bedrooms • 6 bathrooms • 3100 sq/ft

Last sold in 2017 for 5.1M

Estimated Today Value 8M

Estimated Mortgage 38.2k

Famous owners

    Ashton Kutcher

    Owns this home

    Mila Kunis

    Owns this home

Imagine driving down secluded, tree-lined, Padaro Lane. Smell the fresh breath of the ocean signaling the weekend's pleasures to come. Cross the estuary and turn into a private drive. As the gate slowly rolls back you you are greeted by a vista of the ocean and islands that beckons you to leave the week's travails behind. You can't wait to race down the path to the beach. Feel the warming sun and cool sea breeze. Listen to the lonesome cry of the gulls and the pounding of the surf. Feel the cool...Read more